Couple's Inventory
Michele Lane

Many types of behaviors, some quite small and insignificant, contribute to relationship and communication satisfaction. Please list specific behaviors in each category. Be sure to not share or discuss this list with your partner. This list is to be discussed only with Michele Lane, your psychotherapist, who will present the information to your partner in a constructive negotiation/mediation. Do your best to be specific and maintain confidentiality.


Please list at least 5 specific behaviors that you would like to see more often such as hug me or exercise with me. Indicate how often.
Do not use general descriptions such as "being nice" or "respecting me."

Please list at least 5 specific behaviors that you would like to see decrease or disappear such as criticizing, nagging, screaming.
Do not use general descriptions such as "having a bad attitude" or "jealousy."

Please list at least 5 specific behaviors that that your partner does that you appreciate. such as calls when late or compliments me.